Life-Life is busy and accessibility is key. We must modernize and streamline the voting process to ensure accessibility for all voters.  Technology must be utilized in all ways possible and revisited often to ensure maximum utilization. Enhancing the online voter registration and request for vote by mail needs to be evaluated and re-evaluated often. So many in our community depend on the access to the office from their home or mobile devices. Utilizing technology to monitor wait times at polling places allows for increased understanding and responses to issues as they arise. Cybersecurity measures will be continuously considered to ensure all data is secure. Technology allows modernization in our electoral system and accessibility.

Liberty-We all deserve leaders we can trust. Strong integrity and transparency will keep us focused. Our office is a sacred space as we oversee elections. Making elections transparent and inclusive inspire the trust in the electoral system, encouraging more people to participate in shaping their communities and their future. Priorities include voter education and outreach, collaboration with stakeholders, and a culture open to audits. Data Analytics of voter engagement will be utilized to identify trends and patterns to allow focused outreach and increase voter engagement. Fair and transparent elections are crucial for maintaining public trust and upholding democratic principles. 

Pursuit of Happiness-Effective and efficient elections are important. Continuous professional development will be a cornerstone of the office. Ongoing training will ensure election staff stay up to date on best practices, legal requirements, and new technologies in election administration. Fostering a community will be a program encouraging participation in our elections that promote equality in elections. Being a ward of the state of Florida  for over a decade before aging out-and starting my own family gave insight to various communities and the importance of fostering kindness. Implementing innovative ideas enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the electoral process so it is a win win for us all.


A strong motivation for running for Supervisor of Elections in Orange County is the vision for equality in elections. The idea to run was sparked by a comment from the previous supervisor, Bill Cowles, almost a decade ago and share a graduate school alma mater (UCF-Go Knights!). Experience in nonprofit management (consulting) and for profit management (real estate broker) are well-suited for the role. The focus on restoring the integrity of democracy and reducing the influence of money in politics continues to drive the goal to serve everyone equally in our community. Ensuring the integrity of the electoral process, enhancing public confidence, and encouraging citizen participation is indeed a mission worth pursuing.


I intend to ensure fair and transparent elections as it is crucial for maintaining public trust and upholding democratic principles. Making elections more transparent and inclusive can inspire trust in the electoral system, encouraging more people to participate in shaping their communities and their future. Priorities include voter education and outreach, accessible voting locations, collaboration with stakeholders, security that is audited often, continuous improvement in administration processes, and training support of our election staff. By focusing on transparency I aim to uphold the integrity of our elections, promote voter confidence, and ensure that every eligible voter can participate in a fair electoral process in our community.


Ultimately, serving as Supervisor of Elections means championing the fundamental right of every citizen to have their voice heard in the democratic process. Several strategies can be implemented to improve voter education, turnout, and outreach efforts. These include: comprehensive voter education campaigns, school and outreach programs, social media digital outreach, community events and workshops, partnerships with businesses and civic organizations, promotions of early voting options, targeted outreach to underrepresented groups, and feedback from voters and stakeholders. Implementing these strategies will empower voters with knowledge, enhance voter turnout, and foster a more engaged and informed electorate in our community.


To modernize and streamline the voting process while ensuring accessibility for all voters I would utilize technology in all ways possible and revisit often to ensure maximum utilization. Enhancing the online voter registration and request for vote by mail needs to be evaluated and re-evaluated often. So many in our community depend on the access to the office from their home or mobile devices. Utilizing technology to monitor wait times at polling places allows for increased understanding and responses to issues as they arise. Cybersecurity measures will be continuously considered to ensure all data is secure. Leveraging technology in these ways allows modernization in our electoral system and ensures accessibility to all voters.


Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Supervisor of Elections office will be approached through several innovative ideas. Continuous professional development will be a cornerstone of the office. Ongoing training will ensure election staff stay up to date on best practices, legal requirements, and new technologies in election administration. Data Analytics of voter engagement will be utilized to identify trends and patterns to allow for targeted outreach and increase voter engagement. Fostering a community will be a program encouraging non partisan participation in our elections and firm with the integrity of equality in elections. Implementing these innovative ideas enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the electoral process.